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Bye Bye Twitter!

We are freeing the bird, taking the next exit, getting off the train, not staying for the last drink… OMG! We’re leaving Twitter!!!

Social networks can offer you fantastic stuff, ideas, information, opinions which you might agree with or not, friends that can turn from virtual into real… We like that.

Then there’s the other side of the coin: attacks, hate, unnecessary arguments and bad vibes. We don’t like that.

Out of all the social networks, the one that tends more towards negativity is Twitter.

We’ve been lucky enough to have never had a bad experience on Twitter. However, we’d rather not participate actively on a site that seems to be designed to disparage, to insult anonymously, to dig into the past and come up with dirty laundry, or directly to get you in trouble with the law, if you dare to have opinions that are not politically correct.

So, we are leaving. Bye Bye Twitter!

You can always find us on our website, our true digital home, and for the time being on  Facebook and Instagram. Mark Zuckerberg is not exactly our hero, so there might be more changes ahead…

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Stormy Mondays
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la canción que sonó en el transbordador espacial
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Stormy Mondays
¡Gracias! Mira tu email dentro de un minuto
Te enviaremos un correo con el enlace para descargar la canción. ¡Disfrútala!
"So Far, So Good" es el disco perfecto para conocer a Stormy Mondays. Recopilatorio de nuestros 20 años en CD y vinilo.

Consíguelo ya con descuento en nuestra tienda.
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nuestra versión de este temazo de Bruce
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Stormy Mondays
¡Gracias! Mira tu email dentro de un minuto
Te enviaremos un correo con el enlace para descargar la canción. ¡Disfrútala!
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nuestra versión de OPEN ALL NIGHT
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¡Descarga "Open All Night" de Nebraska y cuatro de nuestras mejores canciones!
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¡Bien! Te estamos mandando las canciones a tu correo. Es cosa de un minuto......
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